Save the attached provisioning file to your machine as you receive it.The file you receive, the single-use Desktop license will last until 7/1 and must be renewed each year. ArcGIS Administrator Wizard pops up, Select “Advanced (ArcInfo) Single Use” and then, Click “OK”.įor using the provisioning file, fill out the form.Click “Install” and this may take a few minutes.The windows will prepare to install for the installation process.Download the file is “ArcGIS_Desktop_1082_180378.exe” and run the extension.
For info and license for that, contact at this location is an internet shortcut to the ArcMap documentation for installation instructions. A very large dataset is available separately for the business analyst. The BusinessAnalyst folder contains the optional Business Analyst extension. Many people install the Background GP (GeoProcessing) extension, which adds 64-bit python capabilities to ArcMap tools. The only required file is “ ArcGIS_Desktop_1082_180378.exe” As of January 2022, the latest Desktop is version 10.8.2 all files with 1082 are for that version. Installation media for ArcMap and Pro are at: